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Daily currency exchange rates as at 26 Jul 2024

Exchange rates below are against £1 GB Sterling

Current rate
Previous rate 25 Jul 2024
Australian Dollar (AUD)1.9607001.965600
Austrian Schilling (ATS)16.29760016.325200
Botswana Pula (BWP)17.39980017.444800
Canadian Dollar (CAD)1.7800001.779900
Chinese Renminbi (CNY)9.3209009.316000
Czech Kerona (CZK)30.04050030.124100
Danish Kroner (DKK)8.8381008.853500
Euro (EUR)1.1844001.186400
Hong Kong Dollars (HKD)10.03870010.057400
Japanese Yen (JPY)197.775000197.983000
Kenyan Shilling (KES)168.586300170.908800
Lebanese Pounds (LBP)115128.343800115226.781300
Malaysian Ringetts (MYR)5.9939006.006300
New Zealand Dollars (NZD)2.1818002.181800
Norwegian Kroner (NOK)14.16170014.204500
Philippines PESO (PHP)75.08060075.547700
Pounds Sterling (GBP)1.0000001.000000
Russian Ruble (RUB)110.658900109.497700
Singapore Dollar (SGD)1.7264001.729100
Swedish Kroner (SEK)13.89460013.910100
Swiss Franc (CHF)1.1359001.133200
Thailand Bahts (THB)46.20570046.600300
Turkish Lira (TRY)42.43920042.613800
US Dollars (USD)1.2858001.288200
United Arab Dirhams (AED)4.7227004.731300

Important Notes

Exchange rates are updated daily at our registered office.

Where a fund invests in overseas securities, the unit price may also rise and fall purely on account of exchange rate fluctuations.

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