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About RL360

360 perfectly describes our all-encompassing approach to providing superior investment, protection and tax-planning solutions.       

Who We Are

We are a genuinely global business with an experienced workforce focussing on the needs of our customers to deliver solutions others may be blind to. We’re based in the offshore financial stronghold of the Isle of Man, from where we do business in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and the UK.

RL360 is part of International Financial Group Limited (IFGL). IFGL provides investment, savings and protection solutions to international investors around the world, with 216,000 customers, USD25 billion assets under administration and employs 570 staff*. Read the IFGL Corporate Brochure here.


We have a B+ rating from actuarial consultancy AKG, which specialises in the provision of financial services industry ratings, as well as 5 stars for service.


Our Products

RL360 provides offshore savings, protection and investment products to expats and local nationals around the world. For example, our Regular Savings Plan is an affordable and flexible solution for those who want to save for their future.


  • Regular saving – Our Regular Savings Plan gives internationally mobile clients a simple way to build wealth by direct investment into a quality fund range. There are no initial charges – no bid-offer spreads – and no charges for switching.
  • Lump sum investments – we offer two broad choices for those with a lump sum to invest. Oracle is a simple investment bond with a specific, though wide, fund range. More sophisticated investors may prefer PIMS, our portfolio bond, offering far wider investment choices.
  • Protection LifePlan allows clients to protect their families against the severe loss of income that could follow from unexpected death. Available from as little as $200 per month, it can provide cover on a whole of life and a term basis.
  • Investment platforms (Wraps) – Internet-based Wrap accounts allow financial assets to be viewed and analysed on one simple platform, with dealing facilities too. In the UK market, RL360 is an experienced provider of offshore bonds, and we support and administer these for a number of leading Wrap providers.
  • Trusts and tax planning advice – whether the intention is simply to avoid Isle of Man Probate, or to construct a comprehensive solution for tax succession planning, we offer a wide range of trusts to be used in conjunction with our products. Our experienced and highly qualified technical team is on hand to help advisers with their clients’ planning requirements.


* All figures as at 31 December 2023


Visit our corporate news page to learn more about RL360.