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This stands for Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act and is legislation created by the US Government to stop US investors from evading US tax by using Foreign Financial Institutions (FFI) to invest back into the US. The legislation comes into effect on 1 July 2013..

Stands for Foreign Financial Institutions and these are non-USA entities that accept deposits in the ordinary course of day to day business; hold financial assets for the account of others as a large part of its day to day business, is an insurance company that makes payment with respect to financial accounts or engaged primarily in the business of investing, reinvesting or trading in securities or commodities. Under the rules of FATCA, RL360 is considered an FFI.

Financial Services Authority (FSA)
The FSA is an independent non-government body who are the regulators for all providers of financial services in the United Kingdom. More information can be found at

Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)
Set up by the FSA in December 2001, FSCS is the United Kingdom's last resort compensation fund. They are independent and cover business carried out by firms authorised by the Financial Services Authority (FSA). More information can be found at

Financial Services Ombudsman Scheme (FSOS)
The FSOS is operated by the Isle of Man Government for individuals who have been unable to resolve their complaint with an Isle of Man financial services provider. More information can be found at

Financial Supervision Commission (FSC)
An independent statutory body in the Isle of Man, which regulates banks, investment business, corporate service providers etc, which undertake regulated activities in or from the Isle of Man. More information can be found at

Form of Indemnity
A form to be completed by the policyholder(s) when the original policy documents have been lost. This form (along with a Lost Policy Questionnaire) can be used to request copy policy documents or during the RL360 surrender or claim process to confirm original policy documents have been mislaid. The form provides a company with security against any future claim on a policy using the "missing" policy documents.