RL360 Online Services
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Track your RL360 policy online

Simple registration
If you filled out the Online Servicing questions on your product application form, you will be sent an activation code once we have issued your policy. This will give you direct access to our Online Services. If you have an RL360 policy but do not currently have access to online services, click here to Register Now.

Your policy, any time, anywhere
Once you have activated the online service, you will be able to view a policy summary, valuation, a full transaction statement, policy history and your advisers' details. You'll be able to see what you are invested in, and how much your policy is up or down. You'll also be able to save a record of how your policy is performing by downloading our PDF documentation.

Available to financial and investment advisers too
Access to our online service isn't restricted to policyholders only. Your advisers will also be able to keep track of how your policy is performing, simply by logging in. We too can see what you see, so if you have any questions about how your policy is doing it'll be easy to talk you through it.

Online switching
You or your investment adviser can be granted online switching rights if required. This allows you to perform switches for your policy via the online service. As long as you have internet access, you can request switches at any time, from anywhere in the world. No more waiting around for fax confirmations. The full range of funds is available to switch online.

Switch tracking
Using the switch history screen, you can stay up-to-date with the progress of all your transactions. We will send you updates via your online mailbox and remind you about these using your registered email address.