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RL360 retains B+ AKG rating

RL360 and RL360 Services have been awarded the highest financial strength rating of any international life company by independent actuaries AKG.

For the first time, AKG has reported on both RL360 and RL360 Services, the latter having been created following the acquisition of Clerical Medical Insurance Company Ltd (CMI) from the Lloyds Banking Group earlier this year, and the results were very positive.


AKG reacted favourably to the CMI acquisition saying the “successful integration of RL360 Services should… provide a solid platform for further positive development”. The report adds: “The sale (of CMI) to RL360 brought uncertainty to an end and was a positive development.”


We also retained our 4 star service rating and the report highlighted the developments made in the area of e-Business. It specifically mentioned RL360’s work on a pilot for our Quantum desktop online application system. This pilot proved a success and the system has now been officially rolled out for our flagship regular savings product.


AKG Actuaries and Consultants Ltd specialise in the provision of ratings, information and market assistance to the financial services industry. The company’s reports are designed to provide advisers the information they need to assess the relative strengths of offshore long term insurers.