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Investment Management change - Allianz GEM Equity High Dividend fund

We have been notified by the Board of Directors of Allianz Investors Fund (the “Company”) of the following change that impacts the Allianz GEM Equity High Dividend Fund (the “affected fund”).

The Company has advised that due to an internal re-allocation of resources within the Allianz Group, it is proposed that the investment management functions for the affected fund will be transferred from Allianz Global Investors U.S. LLC to AllianzGI – Germany. This change will take effect from 25 July 2022 (the “Effective Date”).


The Company has advised that the investment management change will not: 


  • result in a material change to the features and risks applicable to the affected fund,
  • result in other changes in the operation and/or manner in which the affected fund is being managed, or
  • materially prejudice the existing Shareholders’ rights or interests


There will be no change in the fee structure, fees and expenses of the affected fund, nor the costs in managing the affected fund following the implementation of the change detailed in this notice. The costs and/or expenses incurred in connection with the change detailed in this notice will be borne by the Management Company of the affected fund.


ISINFund NameFund features in these products
LU0293313325Allianz GEM Equity High Dividend AT Acc EUROracle, Paragon, Quantum, Regular Savings Plan, Quantum Malaysia, Regular Savings Plan Malaysia



The affected fund and other Allianz funds which are impacted by the investment management change can be accessed through our portfolio bonds. Please refer to the Allianz notification opposite for details.

